Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stan Lee's Comikazee 2012, and my first Cosplay!

Le Sigh, a brief moment in which to sit and write.
This past weekend marked two rather wonderful events. Firstly, Saturday my son and I attended Stan Lee's Comikazee for the second year. This year, however, we did it in true geek style.In my first ever cosplay in public I strapped on my Han Solo holster and embodied the scruffy nerf herder while my own geek spawn straightened his tie and readied his sonic screwdriver as the tenth incarnation of Dr. Who.

When we arrived it was immediately evident that this was a much bigger deal this year, and with guests like Mark Hamill, Kevin Smith, Felicia Day and the cast of The Guild how could it not be.  Since this weekend there has been a lot of whine buzz over how things were handled, but my own experience was stellar.
We waited in line with friends and enjoyed the Cosplay all around, bouncing in and out of line to take pics with our favorites. 

With the Tardis front and center we made a Who stop photo opp and took many pictures of the many doctors.  The Expo this year was easily twice the size and twice as full, but the crowds didn't do much to dampen our enthusiasm. Top three things on my list for the day; attempt a pic with Mark Hamill...I was dressed as Han after all, and few photos would be more epic,  Visit friends and one of my favorite artists Mr. Angus Oblong, and attempt to meet and thank Felicia Day for being awesome.
We strolled the halls and spied a bat man, a hulk and a cat women, all out of character and still wonderfully awesome.
The new art at every turn had me wishing I had saved more pennies!  While I didn't get my photo opp with Mr. Hamill, I did get to lay eyes on him during the panel for the new movie Sushi Girls, which for me is pretty much just as good. Provided I keep off the diet coke, I will have that moment to cherish always.
Angus Oblong was in the house and I scored another print and had a lovely little chat with him.  I now have a lovely family skeleton portrait to don my walls.
After hearing how much everyone was charging for photo opps and autographs I became a bit sad that I would likely not get a chance to meet Felicia Day, however we ventured back to The Guild table later in the day and almost the entire cast was there ( Sandeep was not there) , and I could get pics with them for free!! I shook their hands and told them they were awesome ( which they totally were/are), as is my custom when meeting people I admire , and then I came to Felicia.
It was about half a second after I took her hand that I realized she was not only not into the hand shakes, but not into touching at all. As a bit of a germ freak, I totally understood and immediately felt awful for being that pushy fan. Since I was already falling over my tongue trying to explain how awesome she was to her, I didn't get a chance to apologies. So, Felicia Day, if you read this, I am really sorry I made you touch me. No irony, no joke, totally sorry.

Also, I totally need to give a shout out to Dot Com.  As we passed his booth I jokingly fake photo bombed someone getting a picture with him.  He turned his massive form " You better not photo bomb me"
" oh no, sir, I wouldn't do that"
Next thing I know he was shaking MY hand and asking my name and being just about one of the coolest people ever. I told him I enjoyed his work and looked forward to seeing more of him and he said " Nice to meet you, Tabitha" !!! It was pretty freaking awesome.  The day rounded out with an adorable game of Quiddich, a glance in my direction from the Mistress of Darkness herself, Elvira, the droids we were looking for and about a million more Doctor who photos.

Meanwhile, while I was busy geeking out to the extreme, my husband had taken our little girl to a local tattoo place to get her ears pierced....we weren't trusting some 17 year old with a gun with our little girls ears. Or, I guess I should say, ear since it turns out the initial shock and adrenalin rush from piercing the first one has put her off doing the second one. So, for now anyway, she is rocking the piratical single earring look.
More geek fun to come this weekend as my husband and I face off against challenging ingredients and our fellow Dumbledor's Army brethren in Wizards Chef! Lastly, don't be fergetting this day be talk like a pyrate day.


  1. Hubby mentioned he saw you on Saturday. Glad you had pictures so I could see, too. The con was definitely a lot of fun this year, as it was last year, and must be next year!

    I went with my hubby and three teenage girls. They felt like minor celebs with all the pictures people took with them!

  2. You'll have to remind me who your husband was, but that is totally how my son felt. He came home and told his dad " I got hugged by ,like, a million girls" Looking forward to next year all ready!
