Monday, January 30, 2012

Top Five reasons Han is hotter than Luke

Top Five reasons Han is hotter than Luke

1 1)      No whining. Poor little Luke can’t go play with his friends, boohoo. Jabba sends Griedo to kill Han, he just blast that mother fucker like a boss.
2 2)      Wookie side kick. You can tell a lot about a man by the friends he keeps. A member of the noble Wookie race follows Han without question. What kind of man garners such respect, a bad ass hotty that’s who. Luke has droid slaves and an old nurse maid (No offense Master Kenobi) Not sexy
3 3)      Scruffy looking. He cleans up well, but it better be for a medal, Han's bad ass sexiness is evident in his ne'er–do–well smuggler style.  Luke looks like a pedophiles wet dream.
4 4)      The Falcon. Let’s face it; Batman was at least half right. Chicks dig a sweet ride and a guy who can control it at high speeds.
5 5)      He’s a smart ass. Luke is so serious about EVERYTHING; Han can have a laugh in the middle of a space battle.
I’m sure the list is longer than this. For me there is always the additional reason that Luke, at least when I was a kid, reminded me of one of my own brothers while Han was a full grown man. 
So, Ladies ( and Gents), Do share. Who do YOU think is hotter?

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